Be careful using java enums in key for PairRDD

Example: java enum:

public enum KeyType {  

and simple spark job that calculate amount of ODD and EVEN numbers between 1 to 10000

sc.parallelize(1 to 10000, 4)  
    .map { i => (if (i % 2 == 0) KeyType.EVEN else KeyType.ODD, 1) }  
    .reduceByKey(_ + _)  
    .foreach{case (key, value) => println(key + " - " + value)}  

The output of that spark job is

 EVEN - 2500  
 ODD - 5000  
 EVEN - 2500  

The problem is based on the fact that reduce by key is using equals and hashCode methods of key. However, as spark job is executed in different JVMs, hashcodes of the same enum value are different.